Saturday, August 3, 2013

Gospel reflection.

God’s prophets suffer persecution or death. In a world that rejects the truth of God’s Word, it is not uncommon that bearers of the Word are hated. Our Gospel today presents us with the beheading of John the Baptist, a cruel display of abuse of power. Kings and queens claim a divine right conferred upon them, yet they do not behave according to what they claim is a sacred trust.

Today, most people in authority are no different from those of the past. Their claims to a divine right do not reflect a respectful and proper worship of God. Even those of us who think that we have made it big in life reflect a god of our own making, fashioned according to personal illusions of grandeur, righteousness, power, authority, fame, wealth, beauty, talent, knowledge, and so on. How many atrocities and wrongdoings are done in the name of God? Truth is no longer absolute but made relative according to our interpretations and illusions. Sin is conveniently put under various excuses to fit one’s desires.

Today, only a few like John the Baptist have the courage to stand their ground to correct what is wrong and hold the truth for others to hear and see. Are we the persecutors of these prophets, or do we hear their message and follow the path to life?

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