Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Without seeing You, we believe.

Without seeing You, we love You.
Without touching You, we embrace.
Without knowing You, we follow.
Without seeing You, we believe.

We return to You deep within, leave the past to the dust.
Turn to you with tears and fasting, You are ready to forgive.

The sparrow will find a home near to You oh God.
How happy we who dwell with You, forever in Your house.

For You are our shepherd there is nothing that we need.
In green pastures we will find our way, in waters of peace.

Lord, the lyrics of this song was so striking when I first heard this played at the Mass awhile ago. I remembered what You have said to your apostle St. Thomas, "Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe." I want to see You and I want to touch You. But even without seeing and touching you, I will still love You. I believe that learning to love You is a struggle, and if I need to struggle more than what I feel right now, go keep on coming. I don't want to miss life altogether all because I have chosen not to love You. I hope I won't get tired following and loving You, Lord.

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