Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 3 Novena to San Pedro Calungsod

Opening Prayer        Lord Jesus Christ, we kneel before you in worship, praise  and  thanksgiving  for the infinite love  that you have shown to us  sinners  through your humble Incarnation,  bitter Passion  and cruel  death on the Cross.  By your wounds, we are healed.  By your death,  we are restored to life.  Forgive us for not having returned love for  your love.  In your suffering, you have left us an example so that we  may follow in your footsteps.  The life of your young martyr and our  brother, San Pedro Calungsod,  proves to us  that it is possible to follow you  even up to death.

        Be pleased with this novena that we  are making in his memory.  With his help,   we shall strive  to be  living witnesses to your love  through patient endurance in daily  trials  and selfless service to our neighbor,  so that after having  joined you  in your redeeming Passion  here on earth,  we may also  come to share  in your glorious Resurrection at the end of time  and  love you eternally in Heaven,  where you live and reign  with the  Father and the Holy Spirit,  one God  forever and ever.

Third Day:  Proclaiming the Faith        O San Pedro Calungsod,  the grace of faith that God gave you  was never in vain.  Even as a teenager,  you already shared your faith with others.  You left your beloved family and homeland  to  serve the Mariana Mission.  Despite the hard life  and the cruel persecutions,  you did not  abandon the Mission.

        O young missionary,  give us a share of your  zeal  for the spread of the Gospel,  so that even just through our  daily ordinary words and actions,  people may come to know  and  believe in our Lord Jesus Christ.  Attract the young people by your example,  so that they may use their talents and energies  to share their Christian faith with others.  Help those whom our Lord has called to the priesthood  or to the religious life  to be  generous to God and to men  by following the divine call  and to remain faithful to their vocation  for the propagation of the Faith.  Join us now  as we pray for the perseverance and success  of all  the missionaries of the Church.

Our Father.      Hail Mary.      Glory Be.

Closing Prayer        Almighty and ever-living God, you are glorified in your  saints.  Graciously hear the prayers we offer through the  intercession of your holy martyr  Blessed Pedro Calungsod.

        Guide and protect your pilgrim Church on earth.  Grant your  peace to our nation and to the whole world.  Fill all our families  with your grace.  Preserve us in love and unity.  Bless and guide our  young people so that they will not be led astray.  Help them to grow  in faith, hope and charity.  Convert those whose hearts are far from  you. Comfort the sick and the lonely.  Protect the poor and the  oppressed.  Welcome into your Kingdom our departed brothers and  sisters.

        We thank you for the graces you have granted us through the  intercession of San Pedro Calungsod.  We hope that after our  mortal bodies will have slept in death you will raise us up to new life on the last day as your saints and join San Pedro  in  praising your Name forever in heaven.

To be the Lord's companion and his friend,
you vowed to turn away from sin.
And with your passion and your piety,
you showed us how to hope and trust in him.

With your love and faith you conquered doubt and hate.
Lead us to God's Word and bring light to the world.
Guide us all as we prepare our hearts and be your company
in mission to create God's kingdom here on Earth.

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