Friday, December 6, 2013

Lord's healing love.

In the Gospel today, we find Jesus healing two blind men. Two images from this story:
The first is the image of the two blind men: Fumbling, unsure, desperate, in a hurry to catch up with Jesus. At the same time, they are determined and hopeful that Jesus would stop for them. How did they know that Jesus was near? They must have felt that Jesus was walking in front of them and so they desperately tried to catch up with him and called out loud for help. One senses that beneath their seemingly helpless lot was their hope and trust in Jesus to heal.
The second image is that of our Lord taking time to stop and listen to them. He knew what was in their hearts and asked them if they believed he could do what they asked from him. Jesus looked at them with love, and moved with compassion, he healed them. They believed, and he made them whole.
Many times in our own lives, we find ourselves in situations similar to that of the two blind men: Darkness, despair and uncertainty. But, like the two blind men, we are invited to trust and hope in Jesus, to call out to him unceasingly because he wants to take us out of our darkness and comfort us in our difficulties and pain. He looks to us with love and compassion and wants to make us whole.
My Lord, grant me the grace to trust and hope in you whatever the circumstances of my life. Keep me close to your heart and grant me the grace to be faithful to you. Make me whole, Lord, and grant me the courage to proclaim your healing love.

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