Monday, September 2, 2013

Luke 4:22

“They were all well impressed with him and marveled at the eloquent words that he spoke” (Luke 4:22). Another translation of Luke 4:22 reads, “All bore witness about him and were astonished at the works of grace.”

When Jesus read the Scriptures in Nazareth, people were already watching him. What he said disturbed them and made them react violently toward him.

One thing we can say about Jesus is that he was very purposeful. He did things for a reason. He did not beat around the bush. He told people what was happening. He told the truth.

This made the people angry enough to want to push Jesus down a cliff. Jesus knew this would happen, but he did not retract. He said what he said and bravely faced the crowd.

John Hemer said, “Our own Catholic faith is tremendously challenging and stretching. It is continually reminding us that God is bigger than the little world we inhabit. Are we able to rise to the challenge?”

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