Friday, October 11, 2013

The human heart.

The human heart can be likened to a house. Indeed, the heart is not only a place where we keep the things we treasure; it can also be a home where we welcome and abide with those we cherish.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us to be wary about whom we allow to enter our house. There are those who come in but only to conquer and consume. They stay and wreak havoc, armed with our own consent. When they depart, they leave us empty and helpless. Yet, there are also those who come and fill our house with their light. When they depart, they leave us feeling a little brighter and fuller. Jesus is the perfect guest who comes into our hearts to free us from darkness. If we ask him to stay, he will fill our hearts with lasting peace, joy, and love.
Lord Jesus, abide in us!

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