Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How can I be ready?

Be ready! How can I be ready? I am a person that is never ready. I am late for school, late for work, and the best I have done in the area of promptness is to just be on time, never too early. I am not good at planning ahead. I am laid-back, happy-go-lucky, a sleepy head, a “que-sera-sera type.” How can I be ready?
Will I be ready for Jesus Christ? If I take Jesus Christ to be my bridegroom, waiting for his return, then, my desire to be ready increases. His coming will be a joyous occasion — one that I do not have to drag my feet to prepare for. It will be so special to find a person truly loving me for what I am. Keeping this in mind, I think it can be easier to be ready. I desire to be a faithful servant waiting for the master to return.
What about you? Are you ready? How can you be ready? How can you be more excited for Jesus?

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