Wednesday, May 1, 2013

All prayers will be answered in Your own time.

Millions of prayers are lifted each day,
Millions of questions are asked.
For favors and futures
For healing and hope;
For trials and tests to pass.

And I wait and I wonder when answers will come,
Wonder if You've even heard.
Times that I find myself yielding to doubt,
I call to mind these words:

In Your own way, in Your own time,
In Your own wisdom, not in mine.
By Your love, by Your Holy will,
All pray'rs will be answered in Your own time.

I've had my moments of darkness, O Lord.
I've had my share of pain.
I've felt abandoned, unloved and alone
With no shelter from the rain.

Yet at times when I feel I'm about to give up,
Your love takes me by surprise.
In ways unexpected, Your goodness unfolds
Before my very eyes.

In Your own way, in Your own time,
In Your own wisdom, not in mine.
By Your love, by Your Holy will,
All pray'rs will be answered in Your own time.

So I know that someday, somewhere, somehow,
You will reveal Your plan.
Give me the grace to surrender to You,
To trust Your loving hands!

In Your own way, in Your own time,
In Your own wisdom, not in mine.
By Your love, by Your Holy will,
All pray'rs will be answered in Your own time.

All pray'rs will be answered in Your own time.

There are things that make me bother. Those things that come to my mind every time I am about to sleep. Those persons whom I failed to talk to, those chances I missed to grab, those words that I didn't whisper to anyone. Those I left unceremoniously. 

They are so many. But the truth is: there are also so many things to thank for. And that could be the reason why I can still sleep at night. The reason why I still pray to God. To thank God for everything good I experience in my life.

I am the type of person who prefers to pray in the middle of noise. While walking at roads, riding a jeepney or shuttle van, or strolling at the mall. All those noisy places you can ever imagine. I can easily find silence and peace in those noise. In chaos I can converse with God. There, I share my thoughts, worries, issues and complaints. I just settle down and keep quiet, then I can feel He is talking to me amid the noise.

And, prayers I believe will be answered in its perfect time. Because God knows when to give in to our wishes and intentions. Just like what I have experienced today. With friends, we joined the Penitential Walk, a Pilgrimage to the Virgin of Antipolo, Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buenviaje. Our feet became numb during and after this walk. Many people, literally from all walks of life, go all the way from Quiapo Church to Antipolo Cathedral. After almost eight hours, we finished the walk and waited for the return of the Virgin of Antipolo at her Cathedral. I believe every one there has prayer intentions to ask from God thru the intercession of the Virgin Mary. Again, I do not have one. At least, at the back of my mind, I just joined the Pilgrimage to experience the love of God through my friends, the places I've got to see, and the people I've got to encounter there. And I feel the urge of asking for Mary's intercession. Not for my own intentions but for the intentions of my friends who sent me message through text and internet. 

People have prayers. Prayers of thanks for passing the board exam. Prayers for opportunities in finding job. Prayers for the recovery or good health of loved ones. Prayers for promotion. Prayers for vocation. I am really amazed by the power of prayers. Through prayers, we are placing ourselves near to God. And this is what God wants - for us to be near to Him. Because when we gets near to Him, our life becomes complete as it is. 

I am praying especially now for people who do not pray to experience the power of prayer. There are so much to ask yet there is really only One to gain. I do pray that in every petition we ask of Him, we don't just get what we want but let God enters in our life.

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