Sunday, February 2, 2014

Conversations: Understanding God.

I had a reflective weekend, celebrating the feast of one of my chosen or favorite saint, St. John Bosco, in solitude. I just prayed by reading the Liturgy of the Hours, writing in my journal, and attending the evening Mass alone. Great that my friend's mother chose me to offer the ciborium during the offertory. I was happy to bring at the altar the hosts to be consecrated as Body of Christ.

I felt broken that day, because of some books I had found time reading again. I almost felt I was breaking down while reflecting (introspection). And when I posted some of my thoughts in Facebook, thanks to some friends who hit the Like button and took time to comment. In one of my reflective posts, I told that there is actually no "forever" in any relationships. Even a son could die ahead of his parents. Even two best friends could part ways when some irreparable circumstances happen. Even those faithful couples could not die at the same time. One has to bear the grief of being left, or alone. 

Then a friend from Youth Ministry has replied to me saying that attachment is the cause of all sufferings. Then we talked about attachment versus detachment. Then we reached to a conversation about God. I was happy to know his thoughts about God. I have mine too, but he has deep conviction about who God is. This is what I want to tell now:

God is not there to be understood. After quite some time, we will see the limits of our understanding of Him. Because if we understand Him fully, then we are saying we are God too. But this will never happen. It is hard to put the whole godliness of God in our mind. It is in our heart that God finds a home. The next question is, are we worthy to receive Him under our own roof? 

Now, when we feel really down, alone and forsaken, then we are nearest to Him. Because Jesus, the incarnate Word of God, has experienced that too. What do you think Jesus felt on the calvary, and why do you think He said, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

Jesus on that very moment of asking God why was He forsaken is actually the very moment that God has shown His great compassion for us. Let us pray to understand Him, trusting that He will make all things right and all burdens light if only we surrender to His will. 

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